This time, Vir Das is back with a comedy special titled Losing It. The trailer showcases a short clip of the special, which features a segment where Vir is addresses harassment towards women and the common stereotype of saying “she was asking for it”. Standup comedy or social commentary? Great standup is often both. What do you think?
Born in Dehradun and raised in Africa, Vir Das was studying economics and theatre at Knox College in Illinois in the early 2000s when he first began doing comedy. He joins the likes of Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock and Aziz Ansari to have more than a single Netflix special to their credit.
The special is set to stream on Netflix on December 11. Find it here.
Love standup? Ellen DeGeneres, one of the most loved woman on earth and the rare glimpse of her back in standup comedy is coming to us courtesy Netflix on December 18. Find out more here.