Chhota Bheem (lit. Little Bheem) focuses on adventures of a young child named Bheem and his friends in the fictional kingdom of Dholakpur, usually involved in protecting Raja Indravarma, the king. Sometimes they help other kingdoms too.
And so they do in Kung Fu Dhamaka. Having grown up a little, Bheem and his friends set out on an adventure in China aka the Land of the Dragon, to participate in the biggest Kung Fu competition in the world. However, when the princess is kidnapped by arch nemesis Zuhu, Bheem is called upon to rescue the princess. Watch the trailer.
Directed by Rajiv Chilaka and Binayak Das, Chhota Bheem Kung Fu Dhamaka is produced by Green Gold Animation and will release across India courtesy Yash Raj Films on 10 May 2019. And we expect it to release in China too. If you want to know more about the Netflix series, click here. It releases before the movie. By the way Green Gold is also developing projects with Amazon Studios and Disney. Move over Kungfu Panda.