Aadhaar is a comedy-drama centred around a common man, Pharsua (Vineet Kumar Singh), who is the first in his village in Jharkhand to apply for an Aadhaar card, as he gets caught in the bureaucratic red tape in the process of enrolling his name in the scheme. The film also features Raghubir Yadav, Saurabh Shukla, Sanjay Mishra, and Prrithvi.The teaser shows an enthusiastic Pharsua trying to get his picture clicked for the Aadhaar card, where the official explains to him that the camera would not capture an image if he smiles or laughs. And he wonders, does our government not like to see us happy? Watch the teaser below.
Aadhaar is set in 2011 when enrolment began for the Unique Identification Authority of India’s (UIDAI) one-card-fits all project.
The National Award-winning Bengali writer – filmmaker Suman Ghosh makes his debut in Hindi cinema with this film, who also happens to be an economist. He won the National Award for Best Feature Film in Bengali for the 2008 film Podokkhep and his 2017 documentary The Argumentative Indian was very well received (available on Prime Video).
Aadhaar is produced by Drishyam Films and Jio Studios. It will have its world premiere at Busan Film Festival 2019 before releasing in cinemas across India on 6 December 2019.