The story revolves around several characters that find themselves in a hostage situation after a drug heist. Deva’s been in hiding for three years at an old motel called Bawa Lodge. How Deva (Bobby Simha) saves himself without getting caught by the police, Theresa in particular, and his rivals forms the rest of the story. Watch the trailer to know more.
The series has been produced by Tamil studio Dream Warrior Pictures (Joker, Theeran Adhigaram Ondru) and directed by Guhan Senniappan (Sawaari). Bobby Simha, who is awaiting the release of Rajinikanth’s Petta, has made his debut in the digital space with web series Vella Raja.
The series makes it debut on the platform on 7 December. Amazon currently offers content in six Indian languages — Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali and Kannada.