A slice of life 3-part short documentary series that takes an in-depth look at the lives of 3 inspiring railway announcers. Shrouded in anonymity are a thousand voices that run the lifeline of Mumbai.Meet the Voice has been made by Disha Rindani (with a writing credit for A Death in the Gunj) and Jai Mehta (Executive Producer, Omerta). An older 5 minute version of this had won a Dimensions Mumbai Award in 2015 at the Mumbai Film Festival. The makers used the prize money to go in search of the woman whose voice echoed for 22 years in the Mumbai Local Trains and found her working in a small office, seemingly forgotten by the world.
In Episode 1 of Meet The Voice, you get to meet Sarala Chaudhari, the original Railway Star and one of the first female announcers in the Indian Railways. Watch here.
Episode 2 releases on November 19 and Episode 3 on November 26.