TVF Tripling is an Indian web series created by The Viral Fever following three siblings, a doting brother Chandan (Sumeet Vyas), a rational sister (Maanvi Gagroo) and the quintessential yong one (Amol Parashar) on an unplanned road trip. And season 2 lands them in the same but different adventure. Watch the teaser here.
One of the first web series to make its mark, Season 1 aired on 28 August 2016, bringing fame to two of the three actors of show, Maanvi Gagroo and Sumeet Vyas (though Permanent Roommates did its part for him too). Developed by Sameer Saxena and directed by Rajesh Krishnan, Season 1 was written by Akarsh Khurana & Sumeet Vyas.
Season 1 is available to watch on the TVFPlay app and website. Season 2 has been acquired by Sony LIV and will air on April 5, 2019 on both Sony Liv and TVF Play. The Viral Fever (TVF) is an online YouTube channel started by TVF Media Labs in 2010, with almost 5.4 million subscribers as of date.