Super Deluxe, is the Tamil film produced, written and directed by Thiagarajan Kumararaja, who makes his return to the big screen eight years after his debut and cult film Aaranya Kaandam. Aaranya Kaandam released in India on June 10, 2011 winning various accolades including the National Film Award for Best First Film and Best Editing (for Praveen KL and NB Srikanth).
It features Vijay Sethupathi is the protagonist’s role of Shilpa, possibly a transwoman. The film also stars Fahadh Faasil, Samantha Akkineni, Ramya Krishnan, Mysskin and Bucks.
The film has been produced by Tyler Durden And Kino Fist (Thiagarajan Kumararaja, S D Ezhilmathy) in association with East West Dream Works & Alchemy Vision Workz. It is written by Thiagarajan Kumararaja with Mysskin, Nalan Kumarasamy and Neelan K. Shekar. It is scheduled to release on March 29.