T-Series has released the official trailer of Kabir Singh with Shahid Kapoor in the lead today. The teaser was released in April and can be watched here. The remake of the Sandeep Reddy Vanga film Arjun Reddy seems to be quite loyal to the original, using some of the same screenplays from the Telugu film that managed to attain cult status despite the controversy it stirred for all the misogyny represented in it.
The film tells the story of a talented medical student (Shahid Kapoor) with anger issues who set onto the path of self-destruction when his girlfriend (Kiara Advani) leaves him. Violent, a sociopath, and one who is constantly downing whiskey, weed or cocaine, will he find balance? Watch the trailer.
Not every film will show you a hero in the titular role and it’s not the job of cinema to do so. But can a character like that be someone you would encounter in real life? Possibly. The decision to watch it or not is yours. Kabir Singh is slated for release on 21 June.
Here’s a question for you, can obsession by an unhealthy person be seen as love?