The 26-minute short documentary film set in Hapur Village in Uttar Pradesh, is focussed around the stigma of menstruation in rural India and overcoming it one sanitary pad at a time. When the sanitary pad machine, an invention of the now famous Pad Man Arunachalam Muruganatham is installed in the village, the women learn to manufacture and market their own pads, empowering the women of their community. To know more about the film and watch the trailer, click here.
The five films nominated in the category are –
BLACK SHEEP, Ed Perkins and Jonathan Chinn
END GAME, Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman
LIFEBOAT, Skye Fitzgerald and Bryn Mooser
PERIOD. END OF SENTENCE., Rayka Zehtabchi and Melissa Berton
To find out all the 2019 Oscar nominations, go here. The ceremony, which is slated to be held on February 24, 2019.