A mature romance film by director Kanwal Sethi, featuring two incredible performers – Neeraj Kabi and Shefali Shah is now on Netflix India.
The film is about two lonely souls in Mumbai hoping for love and companionship. After a chance phone call leads to daily conversations, Tara, a widowed restaurant owner and single mother of two children and and Amar, a popular actor who rarely has a moment to himself yet lonely in life, plan to finally meet in person. Would they find what they hope for is a city like Mumbai?
The film is about two lonely souls in Mumbai hoping for love and companionship. After a chance phone call leads to daily conversations, Tara, a widowed restaurant owner and single mother of two children and and Amar, a popular actor who rarely has a moment to himself yet lonely in life, plan to finally meet in person. Would they find what they hope for is a city like Mumbai?
For your weekend watch, watch the film called ONCE AGAIN. Find it here.
Even when you think you can’t, you can… love.