Directed by Anthony Maras, it stars Armie Hammer, Dev Patel, Nazanin Bonaidi, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, with Anupam Kher, and Jason Isaacs. The Aussie film is a fictional recreation, based on hundreds of hours of first-hand research by Maras and co-writer John Collee, who interviewed survivors and witnesses of the three-day ordeal. Watch the just released Australian trailer here.
The film sees the guests and staff of the luxurious hotel coming together, including wealthy new parents David and Zahra (Armie Hammer and Nazanin Boniadi), Russian businessman Vasili (Jason Issacs) and newly promoted waiter Arjun (Dev Patel) in a desperate fight for survival.
It premiered at Toronto International Film Festival 2018, where the film received great reviews.
“Empathy and emotions certainly run high in this two-hour nail-biter.” Now Toronto
“if any of the humanity mined by Maras’ film ever takes root, perhaps the real victims who inspired these fine stand-ins will not have died in vain.” Indiewire
Hotel Mumbai is slated to release in 2019 in theatres in many countries, and on Netflix in others.