A documentary comedy short film in which a pet rooster turns the domestic life of a family living in a small Mumbai apartment upside down in this unorthodox and lighthearted family portrait by Chandna. The rooster truly rules the roost!
The first independent short film by Chandna, it has been very well received across the world having played at Visions Du Reel, BFI London Film Festival, Melbourne Film Festival, HotDocs and currently in the competition section at IDFA.
With Ritika Ranjan as co-producer, its main crew consists of Deepak Nambiar as cinematographer, Neha Mehra as editor, and Vinit D’Souza as Sound Designer.
Featured on New York Times as an Op-Doc (opinion documentary), it has been available to watch since November 19. Watch it here now via NYT.
UPDATE, 25 November: If you prefer to watch it on Youtube, here goes.
UPDATE, 25 November: If you prefer to watch it on Youtube, here goes.