Amazon Prime Video has launched the trailer of their next Original called Tandav. A political thriller, the drama series is original writing and not...
Independent films internationally tend to represent unique filmmaker voices not restrained by studio rules, focus groups, and topics that are too contentious....
Netflix has released a new documentary, “Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator”, which came to streaming on 20 November 2019.The documentary by the Oscar-winning filmmaker Eva...
Sapna Moti Bhavnani has made an incredible documentary Sindhustan, about her ancestral homeland. And she is requesting the Prime Minister of Pakistan to let...
Zoya Akhtar's precious gem Gully Boy released to both critical and commercial success earlier this year. Despite a fully formed man (almost 34-year-old Ranveer...
The actor-director-screenwriter Jon Favreau of the amazing film Chef has teamed up with his longtime friend and celebrity chef Roy Choi for a new...