Amazon Prime Video has launched the trailer of their next Original called Tandav. A political thriller, the drama series is original writing and not...
Independent films internationally tend to represent unique filmmaker voices not restrained by studio rules, focus groups, and topics that are too contentious....
From the newsdesk of the team behind FilmTribe supporting content discovery for Indian And South Asian film, TV, and web series. We aim to let you know of the latest trailers and releases, the most interesting content available for streaming, and the Indian indie gems out there.
The 2019 International Emmy Awards nominations were announced today on 19 September 2019, with 44 nominees from 21 countries across 11 categories.Britain and Brazil...
Jagran Film Festival (JFF) is an initiative by Jagran Prakashan Group, which showcases Indian independent and world cinema across various cities every year.
The 10th...