Arjun Reddy, the 2017 Telugu film by Sandeep Reddy Vanga starred Vijay Devarakonda, very quickly became a cult film. To the effect that Bollywood wanted its own version. So here we have Kabir Singh, starring Shahid Kapoor in the titular role and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Murad Khetani, Krishan Kumar & Ashwin Varde. Why this looks so interesting is because the same director helms this version too.
The film tells the story of a promising medical student who lands on the path of self-destruction when his girlfriend (Kiara Advani) leaves him. Instead of prescribing drugs and using alcohol swabs for surgery, he is downing them, as whiskey or cocaine. Think Devdas. But what happens in the end? Watch the teaser trailer.
P.S. It opens with the glorious voice of Adil Hussain, so we know he’ll be in it too. Woot woot.