Amazon Prime Video has launched the trailer of their next Original called Tandav. A political thriller, the drama series is original writing and not...
Independent films internationally tend to represent unique filmmaker voices not restrained by studio rules, focus groups, and topics that are too contentious....
Happy 2022! We had hopes for life to resume and with it, the cinema going experience. But COVID 19 carried viewing habits from 2020 into 2021 for safety, as we continue to deal with the pandemic. We hope that India never has to go through scenarios it battled in...
Watch the trailer of AT ETERNITY'S GATE now.<figure class="attachment attachment--content" data-trix-attachment="{"content":""}" data-trix-content-type="undefined">Featuring: Willem Dafoe...
Little Things, the slice-of-life series, premiered on Youtube in 2016 with Season 1. Its great success helped Season 2 find its spot on Netflix last October. A year later, they bring us Season 3, right...
Anurag Basu’s next Ludo is now playing on Netflix. From the man who has given us adventure fantasy romance films such as Barfi (2012) and Jagga Jasoos (2017), comes another such film about the coincidences...